Thursday, November 19, 2009

Volleyball History

Volleyball was first played in 1895 in Holyok, MA. A YMCA physical education director first invented the game from tennis and handball, or basketball. Mintonette was what it was named at first and them modified into volley ball but finally changed to volleyball, one word in 1896 by Alfred Halstead. The man who invented the game of volleyball hoped it would help the young students stay active with another activity to play. Still today volleyball is played by a wide range of age groups. Most schools have a volleyball program. They have three divisions, Modified, Junior Varsity or Jv, and Varsity. They are divided into a girls and boys team, this is not considered to be a Coed sport. Some people do not like this sport because it is indoor. Although I enjoy this sport the most I like others too. What kind of sports do you like and why?